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Gulf Breeze, United States
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Look… where are all these ridiculously gorgeous women that can be found right down country trails, hiking trails, hiding out of the way instead of being readily available and in places like that when I am looking for someone like that or that exact person to do the things they did in other videos and I want to do that with them so help me help you! I am not very photogenic or a extremely attractive person in my opinion but that’s something I don’t pay much attention to overall, I am a extremely honest person and I want this to be a place for me to have the things I have wanted to do be a place where I am found by someone or multiple someone’s who want to enjoy the same type of things that I am interested in!

Последний визит::
1 год назад
Семейное положение:
Парни и Девушки
Родной город:
Lafayette Louisiana
Gulf Breeze
"United States"
Automotive shop owner and Automotive technician
Интересы и увлечения:
Interests and hobbies... I dont think there is enough room for me to put all that information in! I am a very active guy because of having 2 automotive repairs facilities and looking forward to opening the next one here in the near future. I also do residential remodeling as a side hustle and will probably be hiring a few more people to make a full crew and open a remodeling business, not like there isnt already enough of them out there. I am a adrenaline , I have very little fear of most things which allows me to do more things and experience all sorts of things that would normally not be possible because of that fear. I am willing to try anything once, multiple times if I like it! I am not a complicated kind of guy, that is true about everything in my life. I will save the more personal things for if you want to message me and find out, then I will be glad to tell.
Любимые фильмы и ТВ-программы:
Anything action related, anything with guns in it is sure to get my complete attention, anything about cars or automotive related.
Любимая музыка:
I don’t really have a “favorite” music because my choice in music depends on my mood and what I am doing... metal, rock, county, dubstep, edm, piano, violin, reggae... I am very well diverse with my music.
Ohhh now this is not going to be enough space for me to tell about my turn ons but I can say this much, my turn ons go further than just being sexually related, I have emotional turn ons also! I have a huge turn on for a guy that has a cock that is about 5-6 inches long and is already hard when I walk in the room where he is stroking himself, that alone will get me on a whole other level that he might not be prepared for but I assure that it will be so very enjoyable! I will definitely not be able to keep myself from getting my hard cock out immediately upon seeing him jacking off and I don’t hesitate and get mine out and join him until we both cum all over each other on any place he is interested in shooting his load. I will be anxiously waiting for my chance where I will begin to blow my load directly on his hand and cock doing my best to keep my eyes open so I can watch myself as my cum covers his hand and cock while I continue moaning with such pleasure until I have finished. With women it is up to the pe
Не нравится:
Pushy.. toxic.. narcissistic.. self absorbed people who are interested in using you and your abilities for their personal gain instead of bringing society back to the days of god fearing, hard working, people with values and morals… not this entitled, safe space, equality shouting spineless idiots that are rapidly taking over our country and not being educated on the facts instead, instead they come up with the most unrealistic idea’s and thought processes where the other uneducated people buy into the lies and spread them like they knew everything there was to know about that subject and they were going to convince everyone else that the crap they are pushing is absolute fact but they don’t understand when a knowledgeable educated person has had enough and provides evidence that their babble is only making them look stupid! Oh yea… and anything dealing with pain or anything that you would otherwise need a safety release form to participate because that whole thing just sounds like nothing good can come from
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3 124
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5 465
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